Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Power Of Music

running man

"I just don't feel like it". "If only I had the motivation to do it". "It tends to get so boring".

Sounds familiar? There's nothing wrong with that, we all tend to fall off track from time to time and slack off with regards to our exercise programs, just as we do with other things in life. However, the past is gone with the past, and those who dread on the past never get anywhere. Meanwhile, those who pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and keep moving forward, are destined to succeed.

What is this all about, you ask? One word. Motivation. Motivation to keep you running. In exercise, in life, in everything.

In a study conducted by Professor Andy Lane, a sports psychologist from the University of Wolverhampton, 1,100 runners were put through a series of tests to better understand the effect of music while in the act of running. The findings showed that listening to motivating music (which is highly subjective by the way, a genre that may be motivating to me may not be motivating to you, and vice versa) improved performance on several levels.

 In another study conducted by Professor Costas Karageorghis from Brunel University, listening to music while exercising has shown in some instances performance benefits of up to 15% (which is a fairly high number might I say). The study also showed that music lowers the perception of effort while exercising. This means that instead of quitting your one hour session halfway, heading home and indulging in full-guilt icecream to make up for your feeling of failure, you actually finish the session because you wanted to. Why? You actually motivated yourself to.

Personally speaking, I got into the habit of listening to music while running sometime last year. Nowadays, I never go out for a run without my music. I won't say it's magic, but let's just say that when I'm feeling slacky, the beat drops, and I find myself giving it a 110% all over again.

So the next time you're heading out for a run, get yourself a pair of running earphones, hook them on, and listen to your favorite songs on the way.

If you've always needed that one push to exercise, this might be all you need.

You are your own motivation.

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